
Ali Abalıoğlu
Ali Abalioglu was born in 1947 in Denizli.After graduating Denizli High School in 1965 hes had a university degree from Faculty of Economic in Izmir.

His business life had starded in 1966.Today he is

- Cafer Sadik Abalioglu Holding A.S Chairman

- Abalioglu Tekstil A.S Chairman

- Abalioglu Otomobilcilik ve Ticaret A.S Vice Chairman

- Erbakir Elektrolitik Bakir Mamülleri A.S Chairman

- Dentas Ambalaj ve Kagit A.S Vice Chairman

- Dentas Kagit A.S Vice Chairman

He is fonder member of Pamukkale Tenis Clup and is one of the leaders of the foundation of Atli Spor Clup in Denizli.He is also a founder member of Denizli Rotary Clup established in 1978.He is also founder of Turkish- American Business Association Denizli Branch in 1997 and has been president of TABA AmCham Denizli Branch since 1997.Nowadays he has been busy with the fondation of Türkiye Egitim Gönüllüleri Vakfi Denizli Branch.

Mr.Abalioglu is married and has three children.

He knows English.


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