Taba Türk - Amerikan İşadamları Derneği
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  Membership Procedure


1. Any person who wısh to be a TABA member should fill in membership information form by clicking the sub menu on TABA Web site. Entrance fee should be then deposited with one of the banks indicated below. When deposite receipt, 4 recent photos and membership information form are submitted to TABA office the precudure starts.

2. Board of Directors decide on membership application.

3. Please click for membership information form.

4. Please click for questioning membership information

5. Entrance fees

Annual membership fee is not paid in the year when entrance fee is collected.

Entrance fees are the followings:

July 1 - September 30 2000 TL. 400.000.000,-

October 1 - December 31 2000 TL. 450.000.000,-

January 1 - April 30 TL. 500.000.000,-

6. Bank accounts:

Akbank Levent Şubesi Hs.No. DHU - 38538

Koçbank Merkez Şubesi Hs.No. 1944134

Türk Amerikan İşadamları Derneği account

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