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 TABA - AmCham with Congressmen

 TABA – AmCham hosted a dinner at Beyti Meat Restaurant on April 11, for 8 representatives, their spouses and high ranking officers from the U.S. Congress.
TABA – AmCham Board members and Chairmen of the Committees were seated around the separate tables and had the opportunity to meet the following representatives. Chairman Rep. Hal Rogers, Rep. Clay Show, Rep. Martin Sabo,Rep. Ron Lewis, Rep. Ed Pastor, Rep. Sonny Callahan, Rep. Jimmy Duncan and Rep. J.D. Hayworth.
General Secretary Mr. Akif Işık after a short opening speech, presented a book to all of the visitors “Turkey’s Religious Sites” written by an American Author, Anna Osmond. After the meal another slide show was made about the Anatolia as the birth place of the Western Civilizations.
In the end, Rep. Hal Rogers took the floor and started his speech by expressing his appreciation about the cultural show “ A very powerful presentation Why Turkey is not promoted this way ? ” He than stressed the full support of U.S. and his firm belief, that Turkey will soon overcome the economic crisis.
Chairman of TABA – AmCham Dr. Zeynel Abidin Erdem marked the Turkish – American relationship as a friendly one which has never been jeopardized
NOTE : Rep. Jimmy Duncan and Rep. Ron Lewis accepted our delegates in Washington at the Congress.

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